Genre is an easy way to categorize films (type of film).
Why is it useful for you as producers of a film?
Starting point - Conventions - iconography (symbol associated with a genre - visual and oral)
For the industry;
- The existence of genre, makes it easy to target your audience
- Based on previous box office ratings - can make judgments about who the audience is.
- Iconography (visual)
- Title
- Clues to narrative and character etc.
- Influence your decision to see a film
- Audience expectations
- Familiar/Recognizable
- Steve Neale, 1981
- Pushing boundaries
- Hybrids
- People always want new things
- Technology improvements
- Opinions - ideology
- CGI - computer generated image
- Fashions/Trends
- Reflect current times
- Variation - to prevent boredom
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