Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Shot List.

Shot number, Shot framing, Action, Info (location, props, costumes etc...)
1. Extreme Long Shot (Establishing Shot); slow zoom towards the dead body - at this stage you can not tell its a body (looks like a blurred figure); Forest location, dead body in red clothes.
2. Close Up; begins on the red light in the dark room and begins to tilt down; Dark room location.
3. Mid Shot; stalker from behind working on something; Dark room location
4. Close up; canted angle of stalkers hands working on a note (cutting out letters from magazines and sticking them on a page); Dark room location, craft knife, tweezers.
5. Close up; stalker moves out the way and you see the title of the film in spelled out in letters form a magazine;
6. Extreme close up; see the title of the film spelled out, zooms into the center of it "fixation."
7. Medium long shot; fades to dead body; Forest location
8. Close up; showing pictures of the suspects (panning across); Police room?
9. Close up; undeveloped photograph going into water; Dark room, photograph, water tray.
10. Mid shot; from behind the stalker, zoom out to reveal the dark room; Dark room location
11. Long shot; seeing the police board with lines between suspects and maps etc...; police room location, photos, maps, board
12. Medium close up; dead body; forest location.
13. Long shot; the stalker is placing pictures onto the wall as the camera zoom out; dark room location, photos of murder victim.
14. Zoom into one picture of the victim - cuts to n extreme close up of victims face (dead body)

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